"An Educational Nonprofit to preserve, archive and disseminate the music education recordings and pedagogy passed down to the thousands of students Eddie Green taught over his years as a teacher."

The Eddie Green Education Society Nonprofit 501(c)(3) is funded by your donations.

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Green Members: Joe Nuñez, Mary Robbins, Jeff Bridges

Member Comments

Connie Freeman - You are the only band director I ever had. For six years you instructed us, but more importantly, you connected all of us, as one voice, experiencing the beauty and emotion of music. As a person, your tough love :-) grew me up and taught me that life is not always fair, but I can be true to myself. I was not a music major, but in Junior High and High School, you gave me the tools and inspiration I would need in life. I miss you!

Dena Anderson - Your impact on me was profound and life changing, both in music and beyond. And we are all blessed for your impact on the band world - you've touched and inspired so many. I can never thank you enough for your friendship and mentorship - and I'll never forget you.

Jack Zellar - Thank you for believing in a kid from a small town in the middle of nowhere.

Scott Williams - It was great being part of something so wonderful at an early age. He was a great influence on me and many others. Concert band in college was disappointing and a step down in quality.

Reagan Brumley - Mr. Green was my hero and my teacher, and his influence shaped all aspects of how I do my job everyday. I am eternally grateful for his friendship and mentorship.

Jennifer Teague Smith - Mr. Green's influence on the band kids at Haltom High in the 1990's changed so many lives...

Jason Bird - Mr Green meant the world to me. I can not express how much he molded my life and career. May he Rest In Peace and his legacy be alive for generations to come.

Paul Heuer - So glad this is all here and will always be here for us to draw from. I had a bootleg tape made for me my freshman year in High School of some of the highlights of the Lake Highlands Band from the 70s that started me down the road that led to finally getting to play first trumpet in his ensemble. Thank you Mr. Green. I am forever grateful to you.

Marianne Whitehouse - May the legacy continue.

Denis Kidwell - Thank you, David. Lisa, and Bennett!

Kelly Grems - In memory of the man who changed band forever. May he Rest In Peace.

Jeff Bridges - I owe so much of what has been my adult life to this dear man, educator and artist! I know he wasn't overly-fond of the word "love", but dammit; I love you Eddie Green! Thank you for giving my life a direction that Lord knows would've have been squandered were it not for your words on that bus in Tokyo and in Greg Talford's office! Thank you for the undeniable beacon that you faithfully held up that showed so many generations how to imagine new possibilities and joyfully craft new methods to pursue them! Truly, you gave this one a life-long drive & if I would have had my own children, they all would have worn greasy baseball caps and belts with the name "Ed" tooled on the back!

Mary Santarelli - Forever grateful to Mr. Green.... for everything